Monday, March 30, 2009

Basic Skills courses & matriculation guidelines

Please review the guidelines and respond to the questions.

Guidelines - Matriculation Assessment Q&A for California Community Colleges - March 2005
7. Can we establish an academic floor for our English and Math curricula?
Answer: Two concerns are raised in this question. First, assessment results cannot be used to determine admission into a California public community college. Admission and assessment are two distinct functions, and the decision to admit a student into a community college cannot be influenced by the assessment of the student's skills or preparation. Second, once a student has been admitted, assessment results may show a need for the strengthening of a student's basic skills. In that case, the district is required to provide reasonable numbers of courses in pre-collegiate basic skills in reading, written expression, and mathematics for students who objective is to become fully prepared to enroll in courses for which those skills are prerequisites. This means that even though a prerequisite system may be in place, when a student is in need of pre-collegiate basic skills, entry level courses without prerequisites must be available.

How do we meet these guidelines for math, English and reading? Do we need credit, non-credit courses and what about distance- education. How do we determine if our efforts are adequate?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

BSI Planning for 2009-2010

I want to invite everyone a Palo Verde College to participate in planning for next year's activities for the basic skills grant.

Our funding is expected to continue at $100,000 for the academic year. Our 2008-2009 activities and expenditure expectations are as follows:

1. Develop and maintain highly coordinated schedule of classes resolving conflicts: Associated cost: $15,000 - additional responsibilities assigned to Lisa Holmes
2. Partial reassign for Louise - $15,000 (no additional salary or benefits replaces Title 5 grant portion of her salary).
3. Research costs billed to BSI $1,000
4. Retention and follow-up with Callista and part-time peer counselors $14,000
5. Counseling services 7 hours a week for Spring Street $12,500
6. Counseling and tutorial services for Needles - $15,000
7. Regional conferences and activities $3000
8. New curricula training and activities - Reading Apprentiship $8000
9. Insure Basic Skills clases not cancelled- partial funding for low enrollment Basic Skills Classes where minimum student not met $8000
10. Partial funding for writing lab where minimum enrollment not met $7500
11. Increased supplemental instruction in math, English and ESL $1000

Please comment on any of the items as well as additional needs that you forecast for 2009-2010.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Career Exploration Resources

The chancelor's office has funded some exciting new resources to help students make career choices. Take a look at

Both sites have links to excellent resources - the careerzone has assessment materials as well.

Please pass the links on.

Additonal Perspectives on Student Mental Health

The iJournal of California Community College Student Service Administrators - Perspectives on Topics in Higher Education